Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Raise the Bar

Most of you know Bruce Jenner from Keeping up with the Kardashians, while watching an episode today, I wanted to share a quote that Bruce stated that got me thinking. 

"Every time you raise the bar in life, it takes a greater commitment."

Commitment can be such a scary part of life. Whether it's committing to a new job, new workout, new relationship, new lifestyle, a happier life, it takes hard work, consistency, and determination to succeed. 

But let's be real. Who succeeds the first time they commit to most things? It takes practice to be good at something. Why would commitment be any different? As I mentioned in yesterday's blog, starting is the first and hardest step. Commit to something small at first and work your way up to bigger commitments. Let's face it, we have to be able to commit to things to be successful in life. Whether it's a job, workout, relationship, healthier lifestyle, or happier life, you have to learn to commit and you have to practice committing to become good at it. 

TAKE AWAY for today: Set a short term goal and commit to it. Some examples: 
7 days of eating healthier
30 days of working out with a specific plan
scheduling extra quality time with family or lover

I want to see your commitment in the comments below!!